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Who we are

The New Coffee Wave is Canada's largest independent distributor of specialty coffee.

We act as a link between local roasters, who bring out the best in the world's terroirs, and enthusiastic coffee consumers.

With an offering of nearly a hundred specialty coffee products from a dozen roasting houses, The New Coffee Wave is a unique gateway to one of the country's richest and most extensive coffee universes.


The New Wave Coffee team is driven by a desire to democratize access to specialty coffee, and to accompany discerning consumers in their discoveries, as well as those taking their first steps in the exploration of exceptional coffees.


Our products are available in over 450 outlets in Québec and Ontario - a retail network that continues to grow. The New Coffee Wave also supplies specialty coffee to businesses, restaurants and hotels. Online, we offer Discovery Boxes and a selection of our roasters' products, plus some limited-time promotions.

Woman Drinking Coffee

Coffee Waves

The first wave refers to the mass consumption of coffee and often refers to filter coffee produced at home.

The second wave is associated with the popularity of an American chain. Espressos and lattes are becoming more mainstream consumer products.

The third wave puts quality at the heart of the coffee experience. The roaster pays attention to the origin of the beans, the freshness of the product and its taste.

The fourth wave focuses more on the science of coffee and less on the consumer experience.

The New Coffee Wave strives to put forward the coffee wave of the moment, by offering the best coffees.

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